
挪威 / 风力发电 / Power plant

Storheia风电场 is located in Åfjord and Ørland in Trøndelag county.

  • 2019
    Entered into operation
  • 288 MW
  • 1000妇女和

Storheia is the largest wind farm in the Fosen Vind project, which is the largest onshore 风力发电 project in Europe. It is also the largest wind farm in 挪威.

Construction of the wind farm started in 2016, and it has been operational since the end of 2019. It consists of 80 turbines, with a tower height of 87m.

Storheia风电场 has an installed capacity of 288 MW, and an annual production of 1000妇女和.

Read more about the Fosen Vind project here.

公司 所有权份额
mg游戏官方网站 52.1%
北欧风力发电协会 40%
Aneo 7.9%
From the construction of Storheia风电场

From the construction of Storheia风电场.

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